El amor en tiempos de mala ortografía
«¿Pero, a dónde vamos?», se preguntaba. «¿Cómo es posible que haya gente que no sepa escribir bien ni su propio nombre?».
«¿Pero, a dónde vamos?», se preguntaba. «¿Cómo es posible que haya gente que no sepa escribir bien ni su propio nombre?».
I’ve seen many strange things in my life. But nothing is anywhere close to what happened last summer. I refuse to believe in paranormal activities, but I guess now I have no choice, but to believe in a parallel world… inside my washing machine.
Arte digital, Mi mundo, Stories
Sometimes I think my life would make a great novel. Well, to be more precise, it would be many novels, each of them inspired by different episodes of my life: when my plants used to die, when I discovered that my neighbour lays naked in bed with her curtains open, when the mosquitoes don’t let me sleep in summer, or when I scream because I dropped bleach on my clothes, just to mention a few.
Broccoli and I are good old friends. I remember very clearly the first time we met: I was 19, and I was staying a few weeks with a family in London (the Gimsoms) while I was studying English at a school. One evening, I sat around the table for dinner with them and I found […]
La oficina de empleo apenas acababa de abrir, pero en el pasillo de espera ya había un grupo de ocho personas sudorosas haciendo cola en silencio para ser atendidos. En la puerta de entrada, una cucaracha de imponentes dimensiones nos recibía tumbada panza arriba.
Are you new at blogging? Do you want to write about your hobbies, work/business, or just about your life; but when you put your fingers on the keyboard, don’t know where to start from?
Arte digital, Ilustración, Poetry, Stories
I put my diary in the toaster and poured some coffee in my shoes.
I measured the speed of clouds and hung my raincoat under the shower.
I left home when the alarm clock was still singing.
I took a selfie in the lift just before my colours disappeared completely….
Hundreds of rectangular concrete boxes sprawling towards the shore.
Grey, white, ochre and brown.
Like Tetris pieces that have fallen from the sky, perfectly filling every empty space of land and air.
The world needs more colour,
On walls and canvases,
Not on eyelids and lips.
We need more brushes,
To paint the beauty of nature,
Not to cover our natural beauty…
The neon lights make love with the buildings. And the engines revving tell of pride. The loud music of the clubs finds its way out to embrace the pavements…
A toddler crying his lungs out, The persistent horn of the gas truck, The loud radio of the neighbour, A heated conversation in a foreign language, Machines working in a faraway construction site, A dog barking relentlessly, And an idiot revving up his motorbike like his life depended on it.
Arte digital, Ilustración, Stories
I woke up when the sun still was shy. The bed sheets didn’t want me anymore, and the apartment was telling me to leave. So I left. I didn’t even bother to take off my pjs. I put on my flip-flops and greeted the day from middle of the road. I danced along the pavements, […]
The door is closed and the sun is shining on the quiet streets. For the 40th day.
He started talking to the dying plant in his living room. And made friends with all kinds of imaginary creatures. He learned to listen to the absence of voices, to read the colors in his small apartment and to find beauty in the most ordinary objects.
I love the sound of silence,
The clean peaceful silence
That stays after killing a mosquito.
The sound of death,
Anticipation of a restful sleep,
While I sprawl on my bed…
Arte digital, Ilustración, Poetry
I’m a cloud,
I’m a storm,
I’m the wind
That chills your bones…
Arte digital, Fotografía, Mi mundo, Poetry
Oh, Malta,
Sunny limestone rock,
Ochre landscape,
Glowing at sunset…
It was just an evening romance.
As ephemeral as the first raindrops that moisten his face.
Or the fleeting kiss of the waves on the rocks.
It lasted what it takes for an autumn leaf to touch the ground.
The silence between the breaths of two lovers.
Guilty tears running down her face…
They were standing on the edge of the cliff of the small island while they gazed at the sun disappearing in the horizon. He held her hand gently and she smiled, eyes fixed on the big orange orb. When the last chunk of sun was swallowed by the sea, she took a step forward and […]
He whispered something she could not understand and caressed her skin. And an intense heat invaded her body, invisible flames slowly covered her pale skin. She stared into his eyes and took his hand gently. And he too became into a fireball. She whispered something he could not understand and they melted into a kiss. […]
Soy un fantasma que emerge de entre la niebla matinal para mezclarse con las sombras. Sombras sin definir que cada mañana atraviesan la ciudad para ir a trabajar. Figuras teñidas de gris por la niebla, el frío y la tenue luz del alba. La niebla es mi disfraz; el frio, mi respiración; el sol, mi […]